Instructor: Joshua Field
Meeting Times: Tues/Thurs 9:30AM-12:15PM SAB 101
This course will explore a variety of painting techniques used to translate careful three-dimensional observation to accurate two-dimensional representation. Lectures, assignments and discussions will investigate specific visual problems and explore a variety of creative solutions. Assignments will be reviewed in participatory group critiques. ART220 is a workshop format course and as such, hands-on participation is an intrinsic part of the visual problem solving process. All class work is intended to both instill the fundamental techniques of painting and foster creative problem solving.
course objectives:
- Students will develop and demonstrate a clear comprehension of techniques utilized in representing form, color and three-dimensional space.
- Students will explore a range of techniques and methods as they work toward solving visual problems.
- Students will learn to integrate previously acquired skills such as drawing fundamentals and compositional techniques, with newly acquired paint handling and color manipulation skills.